I went to the shala yesterday, to pick up my yoga mat for the trip, and do some pranayama. It felt great. I got so much energy from the other yogis. Gosh, I´m really missing the practice!
But, to the insight. Several things have happened this year that have made me realize that to be able to be happy and balanced, the only possible way of handeling life is to be flexibel, and go with the flow of things. To not have so many expectations. In whatever happens, there can be something good. During my meditation classes, I had another insight (what an insightful year!), and that was that even though you experience pain, perhaps somewhere in your body, or in your soul, you can always find a pleasant feeling somewhere in your body, or a peaceful space in your mind. The teacher spoke about having focus and width at the same time. First, it sounded almost impossible, but when I tried it, it was an amazing feeling! At the same time that I was focusing on the sensation of the breath under my nose, I could feel my whole body. Hard to explain how it felt, but it was a very expansive feeling. Same with the pain and pleasure thing.
So, even though I won´t be able to do so much ashtanga at Yoga Plus, I´m sure I will have another focus, and perhaps something really good will happen. Maybe I will develop in some area that I hadn´t anticipated (cause I´m trying not to anticipate....:-). I´m bringing two books from the Bihar School of Yoga: "Mula Bandha" and "Yoga And Psycology". I´ll do pranayama and meditation and hopefully I can do some asanas as well. Whatever happens, it´ll be great!