tisdag 6 juli 2010

Periods of Practice

So, I haven´t written in a long while. My practice has been vary scarce this spring. "Only" about two times a week. Other things have taken up time and interest in life:-) Good things. A steady five six times per week practice demands a lot of you. It´s hard to keep up years on end with all the comes into your life.

Still, I´ve been ok practicing less, enjoying other things I can do with the time. Enjoying having a different "period" in my life. I think it´s a natural phenomena; you need change! Being "stuck" in half primary for so many years, and having pain in my hip after every practice, in a way it´s been liberating practicing less, and practicing in the evenings! I think that has been good for me, because I am now feeling better in my hip. I´m thinking of how to practice when autumn comes. I think I might continue practicing ashtanga twice a week, maybe yinyoga once or twice a week (a lot easier to do at home...) and maybe, maybe going to the gym once a week! Maybe do some spinning or aerobics hehe:-)

Sometimes I miss the dedicated daily practice, especially the calm it gives and having a strong and fit body. But at the same time I am welcoming change. It is after all the only certainty in life! Maybe I will have a new period of dedicated practice later on? In the mean while, I welcome this new period in life, and await what it has in store for me:-)

I am greatful for what I have in life, and I recognise that I am not only creating my own life, I am also receiving it. As the buddhist saying goes; you must empty your cup to be able to fill it. For me, emptying my cup right now is not clinging to ideas of how it should be, how my practice should be, my own idea and others. Trying not to cling, emptying, receiving.