tisdag 4 november 2008


I haven't been blogging for a while, so I am writing about an excursion we did a week ago (I've now found an internet cafe that is not so crowded, hence not having to wait fore an hour to get a computer!).
We (meaning "the Swedish Collection" i.e Olle, Annette, Britta, Monika and me) rented a car to go to some "Hoysala Temples" a few hours west of Mysore. We rented an "Ambassador", which is an old car with room for five people + a driver. The poor old car only does 70km/hour, so the trip to Belur took about three hours insted of two. Add to that the bad roads and all the cows, dogs and people and you might get a picture of why it takes time to travel in India.
It was worth the trip though. The temples are nearly 3000 years old, intricate carvings in soapstone, blacked by age, and still in use today! If you want to see pictures have a look at Bills page (planetashtanga). I now have my pics on a memorystick, I just have to remember to bring it with me the next tome I go to blog!

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