If you have problems in certain asanas, it might be worth while looking into what mental blockages there might be that is holding you back. When performing the asana there is probably an emotion underneath, and if you are aware and willing to listen, it will probably reveal itself. Then stay with it, work through it, accept it, let it's energy emerge so that it finally can be released. I think this is a great tool, because it might be difficult to come in contact with emotions that are deeply rooted and hidden away. But by working with the body, where the emotions reside, they can reveal themselves and thereby be possible to work with.
I think the bridge pose is one of the postures where it is very evident and easy to see the connection between body and mind. Emotions always pop up. Backward bending is stimulating and extroverting and it promotes an attitude of embracing life due to chest expansion and inhalation. So, as an exercise for embracing what life has to offer in the new year, I think I will work on my bridge pose, to open up for the new year!
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