Well, here I am again, staying home from work with a cold. Nastier this time than last. I guess I'm not in balance.
Again, going through my notes from Dr. Kumar's course, he gave us the ayurvedic definition of health:
"Health consists of balancing the functions of energy, the digestive fire, the tissues and the excretions. Having bliss in the soul, the sense organs and the mind."
Digestive fire, excretions and sense organs are fine. I guess since I have a cold the tissues are out of balance. I don't have sufficient auyurvedic knowledge to know how to balance the right tissue and with what. But I am trying to boost my immune sytem. How? With spirulina, echinecea, garlic, probiotics, broccoli soup and green tea. I might be a little low on the proteins. I'll do my usual smoothie with banana, maca powder, hemp powder(loads of protein), oat milk and flaxseed oil. Tastes really good.
Energy, well, a bit low. I've been a bit over active lately. I think I did too much too soon after the last cold. How to balance? Gentle(!) yoga and rest I guess. Sleep. Taking walks in the sun and fresh air.
Mind? A bit uneasy at the moment. Meditation.
Soul. Maybe one of the most important things to balance, but also the most difficult. How do you balance your soul? I don't know. I'm just guessing. Listening to your heart and expressing what it wants to say? Being with people who accept and love you for who you are? Love and respect your self. Having fun, laughing! Having a vision, something that gives you direction. A will to go on despite the ups and downs. Hope.
Sometimes bliss seems like a word I don't really understand. Have I ever been blissful? Is it possible to acheive in a wordly, profane life? Maybe it's one of those things that just happen. Like happiness, when you look for it, it just seems to get further and further away. Like running after a ball. You just kick it in front of you all the time. But when you stop running, the ball might just come rolling back to you. Is it the same with love?
Again, going through my notes from Dr. Kumar's course, he gave us the ayurvedic definition of health:
"Health consists of balancing the functions of energy, the digestive fire, the tissues and the excretions. Having bliss in the soul, the sense organs and the mind."
Digestive fire, excretions and sense organs are fine. I guess since I have a cold the tissues are out of balance. I don't have sufficient auyurvedic knowledge to know how to balance the right tissue and with what. But I am trying to boost my immune sytem. How? With spirulina, echinecea, garlic, probiotics, broccoli soup and green tea. I might be a little low on the proteins. I'll do my usual smoothie with banana, maca powder, hemp powder(loads of protein), oat milk and flaxseed oil. Tastes really good.
Energy, well, a bit low. I've been a bit over active lately. I think I did too much too soon after the last cold. How to balance? Gentle(!) yoga and rest I guess. Sleep. Taking walks in the sun and fresh air.
Mind? A bit uneasy at the moment. Meditation.
Soul. Maybe one of the most important things to balance, but also the most difficult. How do you balance your soul? I don't know. I'm just guessing. Listening to your heart and expressing what it wants to say? Being with people who accept and love you for who you are? Love and respect your self. Having fun, laughing! Having a vision, something that gives you direction. A will to go on despite the ups and downs. Hope.
Sometimes bliss seems like a word I don't really understand. Have I ever been blissful? Is it possible to acheive in a wordly, profane life? Maybe it's one of those things that just happen. Like happiness, when you look for it, it just seems to get further and further away. Like running after a ball. You just kick it in front of you all the time. But when you stop running, the ball might just come rolling back to you. Is it the same with love?
1 kommentar:
Hope you get well soon! You know so much about health and what is good for what and I´m just amazed! I would like to do that smoothie, but whats maca powder? Is this a "good for vata"-smoothie? I´m mainly pitta, and right now with a tilt I think..So the homework of Ahimsa was rather difficult for me ;-)
I used to think that when I got a cold I needed to slow down, cause it´s so obvious how your mind really slows down with a cold. But you seem to be quite calm so that wont explain it anything for you I guess.. take care and have a nice weekend.
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