söndag 20 september 2009

The Sangha

Today after sunday practice, we were a bunch of yogis hanging out having breakfast together. I love these sunday breakfasts. Finally I can talk about yoga and not be the odd one out. I can talk to people who are also dedicated, who also get up early every morning to practice, who also choose to make every vacation a yoga vacation. And who also question what the hell we are doing this for! I often ask myself that question (especially just after the alarm clock rings), but after every practice, I know the answer; because it makes me feel good. Because it makes me balanced. Because it gives my life a direction. Something to strive for. Because it makes me healthy. It makes me happy. And so on.

During my course at the Buddhist Centre(which is about "Who Is Buddha?), we were talking about groups. The Buddha left many groups in order to become enlightened. He left his family, he left his social position and he left a group of followers who no longer thought he was who they wanted him to be. So leaving the groups that hinder you on your way to enlightenment is according to the Buddha important. Although all groups are not bad, phew! The Sangha is important. A sangha is a group of people who are also on the path, who can support you and encourage you on your way to freedom.

Sometimes I feel discouraged when people from different groups I belong to comment on my choices. I guess it´s challenging for some people to meet someone who has some kind of faith, or direction, or meaningful purpose, and be dedicated enough to let it influence a big part of their life. Scary when someone close to you is not following the same road as you are. What if they diverge?!But of course I also let myself be influenced by their comments. I´m not at the point on my spiritual path where I feel that I can or want to "leave the group", which ever group it may be. Not yet.

The sangha is also a group. But as opposed to groups that discourage you, it encourages you. I am immensely happy for the "sunday breakfast sangha". I am also thankful for the sangha att the Buddhist Center. It´s hard to stand on your own. Having support from fellow seekers is invaluable.