måndag 6 april 2009

Keeping Up the Inspiration

Apart from having my new raw food project, which I am very exited about, I have some other things going on to inspire my health/spiritual path.

On wednesday I am going to a chiropractor who is also a yogi. He used to practice ashtanga, but now I think he has developed his own style. Anyways, I am hoping he can help me with my hip problem and my tight shoulders. I wish to get tips on how to modify my practice so that my body can heal through yoga. The other chiropractor I went to a year ago gave me a training program that I did on top of my yoga practice. It was too much. First doing the yoga in the morning, then another program in the evening! We´ll see how it goes. Perhaps he can also help me understand why I got the hip problem in the first place.

In two weeks I am starting another course at "Stockholms Buddhistcenter". The theme for the course is "Living With Kindness". On cultivating metta in your daily life. I´m really looking forward to it!

Coming up for Easter is a four day yoga and dance festival at Ängsbacka! I´m gonna dance and laugh, have sauna and walk in the woods and try different forms of yoga and really enjoy myslef!!! Eat ayurvedic and raw food and meet lot´s of new people....

This weekend I went to another lecture with Janesh Vaidya. He made a very beautiful analogy between happiness and butterflies. If you try to chase them, they will fly away. Instead, cultivate your garden, plant positive seeds, water them with love, create the perfect environment and the butterflies will thrive in your garden. That´s what I am trying to do!

3 kommentarer:

Maria sa...

Truly keeping up the inspiration! I get inspired just reading about all the new things you're trying, easter festival etc. Hope it'll be good, please keep us posted about it all. Love, Maria

Anonym sa...

love to hear more about the butterflies!!

Helen sa...

And how was your easter?