tisdag 20 januari 2009

When Doing The Dishes, Do The Dishes

Sometimes when things around you change, it can feel like there is an unbearable storm going on inside you. Whether the change is positive or negative, it can disrupt your inner calm. When change occurs, it is common to think a lot about what will come. Will this change disrupt my routines? Will I loose something? Will I loose myself? My dreams? My security?
All these thoughts are related to the future. To cope with change, I beleive it is important to try to be present in what is(It always comes back to this, doesn't it?). Come what may come, but now is always ok. Fear is in the future. Acceptance and peace of mind is in the now.

Sounds so simple doesn't it? But oh so difficult!

As Thich Nhat Hahn says: "When doing the dishes, do the dishes."

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