tisdag 21 oktober 2008

Being Busy vs Being Bored

Well, I haven't written for a while since I've been filling up my days with activities, and I haven't had the energy to go to the internet cafe (you usually have to wait for quite som time too to get a computer).
Last week I had one day when I felt bored. Used to having my days filled with activities, a day without anything special to do felt boring. But I think it can be good to be bored sometimes. You need a balance between rest and activity, boredom and having fun etc.
Anyways, what have I been doing the last days?
One day I went to visit a local artist who paints these amazing works of art. Aparently he is quite famous. He was such a wonderful person. I wish he gave painting classes. He felt like a true guru. I don't remember his name right now, but I have a little broschure with his work.
Another day I went with some friends (The Swedish Collection as we are called) to visit an ashram, but it was closed, so we went to the nearby temple instead. This is really a religious country. I like that. Religion is everywhere. Every morning the women are out painting mandalas outside the gates. It's really beautiful.
Yesterday we went to visit the shala where Krishnamacharya taught Pattabi Jois and others. It was definitely different than the new shala where we are practicing now! Upstairs in that building BNS Iyengar is teaching today (not to get mixed up with BKS). Man, it was dirty! The floor was full of dirt, and they practiced on rugs that were falling apart! Anyways, it was nice to see.

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