tisdag 4 november 2008


You don't get so many adjustments here in the shala. One the one hand it has to do with the fact that there are about 70 people in the shala at the same time. Sharath and Saraswati don't have the time to adjust everyone. There might also be another reason, although I am not sure there is a deleberate meaning or not, and that is that you have to try by yourself to enter the postures, and I think that that might be a more powerful way for your body to learn than to have someone adjust you everytime you try to enter a posture.
Sharath is adjusting me in my last pose maybe every fouth day, and on one of the ledd classes he helps me in "Utthita Hasta Padangushtasana". I think he helps me in that one because he wants to see how flexible I am in my lower back to be able to go deeper in Maricyasana C, but I'm not sure. That's more adjustments than I had expected to get! And I'm quite enjoying not getting so many adjustemnts!
Even though there are many, many students here, Sharath sees everyone....I don't know how he does it, he has a hell of a memory.

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